
added Hebrew explanation with screenshots.

stable 1.5 ( new Shop )

- partly Hebrew Support soon more Hebrew.

- new explanations in effect panel.

- Fire Burn Element Upgraded.

- Shop is now active offering re Roll for 3 coins. coming soon more

stable 1.4.2 

 - Scaleable UI.

-  results bug fixed

- air power Lighting problem fixed.

- revamped dice system

Stable 1.4!

Pick Your Power! 

 FireEffect! - use your powers wisely to burn your enemy.

new  - WaterEffect! - use your powers wisely to save your soldiers.

new  - EarthEffect! - use your power to grow a piece in game.

new  - AirEffect! - use your wind power to manipulate the enemies. 


-  Black player always start (for now)

-  Shop is not available yet.

Beta 1.3

bug fixes

-fixed fire effect, soldiers status and shab coins.

- coming soon... SHOP!

Beta 1 .2

new  - FireEffect! - use your powers wisely. (Still need some fixes)

(Every player can Activate his power whenever they have double.)

-  more lighting effects.

- changed Dice to roll On The Board.

- game logics, waiting time and performance improved.

Beta 1 .1

Player Black starts. 

- still need to disable unallowed commands.

- Super Powers still not working.

Made withUnity

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